What will happen to the Nations?

Biblical End Time Prophesy (part 2 – the Nations)

This video explains what will happen to the Nations in the end times as prophesied in the Bible.

Christ will separate the Nations into the Sheep and the Goats when he returns on the Day of the Lord. The Goats will be sent to Hell as they persecuted God’s people. The sheep were kind to God’s people and did not receive the mark of the Beast or worship his image.  They will continue as the Nations on Earth during the Millennim.  

Unbelievers who die will not be raised for judgment until the Millennium is over.  At this time, there will be a second ressurrection of the dead to stand before God at the Great White Throne where all non-believers will face judgment.  If their names are not in the Lamb’s book of life, they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death.  If their names are in the book of life, they will live as the nations into eternity.  Both the nations and the lake of fire are outside the New Jerusalem where God lives with those who are born again.